We offer a range of courses on human factors/ergonomics and improvement science. These are tailored to the audience and can be offered across a half day, day or two days. Courses generally consist of a mix of teaching, case studies and practical workshops.
Currently we are offering a number of funded (free to attend) courses commissioned by Health Education England Thames Valley (HEETV). These are described in more detail below. You are welcome to attend alone, or with your team. Organisations are also invited to bid for bespoke training courses. Since demand for these courses is expected to exceed availability, bids will be evaluated by a joint HEETV/PSA panel, and the training will be delivered to the successful organisation during this academic year.
The courses are:
- Introduction to Human Factors/Ergonomics (half day)
- Virtual masterclass in Human Factors (half day)
- Incident Analysis (two days)
- Leading an Improvement Project (two days)
- Train the Trainer (two days)
Our courses are tailored to our audience and can be delivered across a half day, day or two day sessions, depending on the requirements of the audience. They provide the opportunity to gain a better understanding and practice of how human factors/ergonomics relate to the healthcare working environment and how to utilise this knowledge practically in the improvement of quality and safety. If you are interested in a training course or would like to find out more, please contact us at