General resources
Professor Pierre Foëx's FRCA talks
The talks below were recorded by Professor Pierre Foëx for the Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA).
Professor Pierre Foëx's profile
Resource | Type |
Arterial Hypertension | YouTube |
Patients with Coronary Stents | YouTube |
ECG Implications for our practice | YouTube |
Assessment of Cardiac Patients for Non Cardiac Surgery Part 1 | YouTube |
Assessment of Cardiac Patients for Non Cardiac Surgery Part 2 | YouTube |
Myocardial Injury | YouTube |
Perioperative CV drugs management | YouTube |
Beta-blockers-Update for 2020 | YouTube |
FRCA Tutorial | YouTube |
Cardiovascular Drugs Part 1 | YouTube |
Cardiovascular Drugs Part 2 | YouTube |
Cardiovascular Drugs Part 3 | YouTube |