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Anaesthesia in Developing Countries (ADC) is an unusual and successful course designed to meet the specific needs of anaesthetists from the UK and other developed countries wishing to travel to developing world environments to work.


Anaesthesia in Developing Countries Evaluation

The provision of safe anaesthesia in the developing world is difficult but essential to reduce avoidable illness and death in some of the poorest places on earth. Much of this illness could be prevented if anaesthetic practice were safer and better resourced.

Anaesthetists from the developed world who travel to developing countries to work often encounter enormous differences between the two environments, as well as treating people with different diseases. Many find themselves taking on unexpected training and teaching roles.

The 'Anaesthesia in Developing Countries' course supports such anaesthetists. The course facilitators developed evaluation methodology which they piloted with a group of participants from the 2012 course. They then used this to carry out a survey with those attending the 2013 course six months after their participation.

The results of "Anaesthesia in Developing Countries".


How to register

There is more information about the course including details of how to register on the NDCN website.

Information and details of how to register.