Watch the Videos
We have created a series of 21 videos which cover a range of topics including routine care of a gastrostomy button, managing common problems and advice and tips from families.
Some of these videos will be helpful to watch when you are referred to the surgical feeding team for a gastrostomy (e.g. introductory videos). Some of the videos will be most helpful around the time of surgery (e.g. routine care of a gastrostomy), and some might be most helpful to you once you’ve been caring for your child at home for a few months or longer (e.g. changing a button, blended diet).
There are also some links to videos made by other organisations which you might find helpful.
All the videos can be played in sequence using the following link:
Introductory videos
Advice and tips from families
About the surgery & different devices
- How does a gastrostomy button work?
- About the surgery for a gastrostomy button
- Is a PEG the same as a button?
Routine care
- Caring for the gastrostomy site
- Connecting the extension tube
- Administering a bolus of water
- Changing the water in the balloon of a gastrostomy button
- Venting
Changing a button
Other videos you might find helpful:
1. Giving medications to your child (Video produced by Medicines for Children)
2. At the John Radcliffe hospital we are using training videos produced by the company Abbott Nutrition for helping families learn to use a feeding pump. The videos are available here:
Your child’s dietician will send you these videos. Please note that not all children have this particular feeding pump, and this varies across the country.
3. A couple of videos were created in Scotland on gastrostomy care by the charity WWCIH that you find helpful:
My child is getting a gastrostomy feeding tube
How do I look after my child's gastrostomy feeding tube?
4. There are a few videos here for managing common problems with PEG tubes: |
5. Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust have a series of videos on YouTube on caring for a gastrostomy. The videos show a balloon-retained tube, rather than a gastrostomy button like in the videos above.