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Judges and Prize Winners for the 2018 - 19 QiPs

Oral Presentation Winners

1st oral 2019 2nd oral 2019
1st place - Dr Nicola Beddows, Dr Anna Fries & Dr Lok Cheng - Tracheostomy Care                                                                                                                       2nd place - Dr Lisanne Schoutens, Dr Francesca Finch, Dr N Curry, A Galukande & R Balasubramanian - Improving Awareness of Post-Thombotic Syndrome


Best Posters

best posters - harrison best posters - gourbault best posters - raby
Dr Laura Harrison, Dr Kate Hooper & Dr Sahana Rao - Limp in Childhood: An Audit of our Practice Against Local Guidance                                                                                                                                       Dr Lysander Gourbault, Dr E Casselden, Dr S Plaskett & Dr P Lennox - “ Improving Patient Waiting Times in an Acute ENT Outpatient Setting Dr Jonathan Raby, Dr Sanaa Butt, Dr George Lam, Dr Louise Thornhill, Dr Katie Woodward, Dr Jo Hardwick, Dr Nicola Lovett & Dr Mridula Rajwani                                                                                            


Certificates of Commendation


“Improving diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency on the neurosurgery ward” – Oliver Claydon (FY2)

“Review of the Delay in Obtaining a Baseline ECG Following Admission of Patients to Witney Community Hospital” – Dr Swati Patel (FY2) & Dr Alexandra Choa (FY2) ( Dr M Wronska & Dr K Campbell)

“Specialty Referrals Simulation: An Educational Initiative for Final Year Medical Students”- Andrew Soltan(FY1), Anna Dunnigan (FY2), Esther Park (FY2), Sanaa Butt (FY2), Simon Bennett (FY2), Harry Abrahams (FY2), Oliver Claydon (FY2), Francesca Finch (FY2), Rebecca Stoner (FY2), Daniel Watts (FY2), Carrie Anderson (FY2), Jaspreet Khaira (FY2), Moosa Aliabbas (FY2), Ranya Derrick (FY1), Simon Hall (FY2), T Littlewood & B Angus  

“EPR audit Results endorsement in the Urology department – Churchill”- Antonio Stavrou (FY2)


“Improving identification and management of osteoporosis in coeliac disease patients in the community” - Anna Pottinger (FY2) & A Jones

“Improving the quality of coding practices in paediatric surgery”- Mitchell Burden(FY2), Christopher Bennett (FY2), Filipa Landeiro & Alex Lee

“AUDIT OF AGE RELATED MACULAR DEGENERATION (AMD) SERVICE”- Dr Rebecca Jones (FY2) Yifan Chen, Benjamin Ng, & Prof Susan Downes