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OxSTaR in partnership with the Practice Development Facilitators from the Cardiac Angiography Suite (CAS) have run the first ever bespoke human factors course for the Cardiac Angiography Suite at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust (OUH).

The day consisted of two ½ day courses each consisting of lectures, team based discussion and 2 complex CAS based scenarios and looked at the human factors associated with this challenging environment.  Human Factors encompasses all factors that can influence people and their behaviour. Some common human factors that can increase risk include communication problems, mental state and stress, poor teamwork, lack of planning, loss of situational awareness and process design.

The course was attended by 16 members of the multidisciplinary team working in the CAS from a wide range of roles working in that environment.


“Extremely beneficial”

“It has enabled me to look at the bigger picture”

“I would recommend this to other people who work in close teams”