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Document Type Source
Team Brief v3 PDF OUH
Theatre Preparation Checklist v1.5 PDF OUH
Theatres Intubation Checklist v1.7
Important note: procedure video here but specific to ICU, view in conjunction with notes on Theatre differences here.
Theatres Extubation Checklist v1.5 PDF OUH
Aerosol Generating Procedures v1.3 (July 2020) PDF OUH
Anaesthetic chart wipeable v1.2 PDF OUH
Uploading Chart to EPR v3 PDF OUH

COVID Airway Trolley

Document Type Source
COVID Intubation Trolley (29 March 2020) PDF OUH
COVID-19 Extras Trolley (29 March 2020) PDF OUH


Document Type Source
Adult ALS Flowchart (25 March 2020) PDF OUH
Adult Resus Infographic v1 PDF OUH
Paediatric Resus Flowchart (19 March 2020) PDF OUH
Paediatric Resuscitation OUH v1 PDF OUH