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What? When?

Eye protection 

FFP3 Respirator

Long-sleeved fluid repellant gown

1x pairs of gloves                                 

For all high-risk areas and

Aerosol generating procedures



Document Type Source/Version
PPE for confirmed and suspected Covid-19 patients (February 2021) Presentation OUH
PPE for confirmed and suspected Covid-19 patients - video (February 2021) YouTube OUH
Level 2 PPE - Aerosol generating procedures - Poster (November 2020) PDF OUH
Doffing level 2 PPE video removal cohort units (November 2020) YouTube OUH
Doffing level 2 PPE video removal Side Room (November 2020) YouTube OUH
Mini doffing poster for cohort units (November 2020) PDF OUH
Droplets precautions v2.4 (November 2020)
PPE webinars removed due to updated PHE guidance