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Education and research

Resource Description

Health Education England e-LfH

Online training regarding COVID-19 collated by Health Education England. Modules include resources for different areas - critical care, acute care, and primary care, as well as for different healthcare professionals- pharmacists, paramedics, nurses, and allied health professions. There are also modules for those returning to work.
BMJ Best Practice Guidelines COVID-19                                                        A brief guide to clinical care of COVID-19 patients including topics covering epidemiology, diagnosis, management and follow up. Updated regularly.
The Lancet COVID-19 Resource Centre The Lancet's resource area for articles, podcasts, and infographics related to COVID-19, including the most up to date research outputs. 
NEJM COVID-19 Centre                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New England Journal of Medicine's collection of articles and other resources, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.
Oxford University Press Resources Free resources from OUP including The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care and Oxford Textbook of Critical Care

Government advice

Resource Description

Public Health England

A central hub containing all of PHE's guidelines regarding COVID-19 for healthcare professionals and the general public
NHS England


Guidance and protocols for clinicians and managers in Primary Care, Secondary Care and those involved in Community Care. 

Health Education England                                                   

This is a broader set of resources for healthcare workers divided by category and includes information on training, assessment, and advice from professional bodies.
COVID-19 Case Tracker                     Official tracker of COVID-19 cases in the UK
NICE guidance COVID-19 rapid guideline: arranging planned care in hospitals and diagnostic services



Oxford Deanery’s COVID-19 Information Hub                                                             

The Oxford Deanery’s COVID-19 Information Hub has links to all the advice that has been circulating from different colleges, AORMC, statutory and stakeholder agencies, as well as updates on what the local trusts and PSU can do to help.

General Medical Council advice for doctors

GMC official advice for doctors including trainees and medical students



NDA Wellbeing Website This website serves as a library of resources related to physical and psychological welfare for the department of anaesthesia during the pandemic. Some resources are specific to anaesthesia and others have a broader remit.
NHS Mental Health support  A quick reference to the support offered to NHS workers, including a staff support hotline and wellbeing applications available to NHS workers. 
Every mind matters (NHS)          Every mind matters is an interactive page to assist with mental health in the UK. It includes guides for anxiety, insomnia and stress.  
Sleepio and Daylight NHS employees have access to two mobile applications to assist with sleep and anxiety. Sleepio is a clinically-evidenced sleep improvement programme that is fully automated and highly personalised, using cognitive behavioural techniques to help improve poor sleep. Daylight is a smartphone-based app that provides help to people experiencing symptoms of worry and anxiety, using evidence-based cognitive behavioural techniques, voice, and animation.